segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

The videorecipes today were amazing and very very funny. Thank you, guys!

You know, one of the greatest things in being a teacher, especially teaching teenagers, is because, even though they seem to be afraid of a video challenge, they really go for it and do a great job!

Guiding you is joyful and rewarding, my students.
Thanks for being one of my bestest gifts in life.
Besides my family and friends, you also make my life and job happier, funnier and more and more interesting.

I love teaching. And you, guys, help me such a lot at this loving.
I love getting the best from you all. From all my classes and other groups of students.

Congrats for the successfully accomplished homework.
Your photos will be here (class of 1.101.1V), soon. I´ll be uploading them today night (Amen! As soon the baby goes to bed).

I still owe 1.101.1M theirs. ;0)

Turma boa!!! Pena que nem todos entregaram os vídeos hoje... :0(

Mas as receitas estavam de muito boas e interessantes a maravilhosas...pena que houve algumas que nem experimentei, não é meninos do grupo de Marcelinho?!
Now I´ve got dentist to go. Ough! KKK.

See you.

Teacher Mercy.

Um comentário:

  1. Oi, Mercy! Legal sua postagem! Gosto deste clima de final de ano, confraternizações, encerramento de ciclo. Parabéns por seu trabalho aqui e na vida presencial. Tenho vontade de aprender inglês, mas aguardo oportunidade. Tenho vontade até de traduzir o meu blog, se me permite confessar [sorrio]. Abraço do blogueiro visitante!

    “Para o legítimo sonhador não há sonho frustrado, mas sim sonho em curso” (@JefhcardosoReal)

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