quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011

First Day, Introduction to Phonetics (English)

First day (Focus on Learning how to listen):

* Recognition of some basic sounds which are the most "difficult" to most Brazilian Students to articulate or understand in English;
** Phonetical pairs - Dictation of distinguished pairs of phonemes in similarly pronounced words;
*** Working on Listening and writing lyrics of songs - Today: The look of Love, sung by Diana Krall, Canadian singer and composer (step by step to how "get a song by listening to it": blanking, filling these blanks and checking);
**** Mixed-voices game;
*****Other steps.

Site used in class: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/_/pk.htm

I´ll post some more later.
Any questions??? Write to t.a.mercy@hotmail.com.

Kisses & Hugs,
teacher Mercy.

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