quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Mais videoreceitas...e degustações de Halloween Recipes, turma 1.301.1M 2011.2

Good Morning, everyone!!!

Writing in Portuguese because of some complaining...kkk

Hoje pela manhã, entregaram seus videos (videoreceitas) e trouxeram as erspectivas degustações, os alunos da primeira das 4 turmas que irão apresentar, neste semestre, receitas sob o tema Halloween e X-mas (Christmas).

Seguem abaixo algumas das fotos de hoje com suas nomenclaturas logo abaixo.
Gostaria de saber quais dos grupos gostariam de ter seus vídeos aqui publicados. Podem autorizar nos comentários. Bjs.

Congratulations, my students, for the great job! The recipes were cute and delicious! At least, most of them...;0)

I´m very proud of all of you!

Love ya!
The Angelic deviled Eggs. It´s a good quick snack when you have friends at your place.

T.Mercy trying some of the Charmed Circles! They were fantastic despite the fact they have totally collored my fingers!

Spider cookies

Charmed Circles (bigger version)

This Jack-O-Lantern Snack is so cute, isn't?

Banana Caterpillar

T. mercy trying the Angelic Deviled Eggs

Turma 1.301.1M 2011. Congratulations! They enjoyed the strike to go preparing their homework in advance!

Mud Cups

Witches Hats

Caramel Corn Apples

Boo Hands Cupcakes

Charmed Circles (smaller version)

T. Mercy.

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