segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011

domingo, 27 de março de 2011

Links concerning Phrasal Verbs

Dear Students (mainly the ones from the 3rd grades)...

Here you have some nice links to visit and study a little more about the subject Phrasal Verbs.
This is more than a simple suggestion. That's an advice...;0) (from this you can go to the other prepos) (Ooooh! Our lovely Wikipedia!!!) (Well, it is good - and necessary - to learn some more about prepositions to understand ans communicate in English, right??? It includes phrasal verbs.)

Besitos...kisses, baci...Beijos!!!

Sorry for not posting that often

Hi, everyone...mainly my students...

Sorry for not posting that often. Busy days...late work.
Sorry for not posting yet the photos from last year (pessoal de Edificações M, 1o ano, 2010...).
I´ll be, sooner or later, updating the photos from the other special moments we had last year...

Sorry again.

Working on a translation.
Lovely and very blessed and healthy all of you.
Amen, Lord.

Smuacs at the bottom of your hearts.

sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2011

Turma 3.302.1M - Correction - Topic - Reviewing the Passive Voice (March 11th)

Possible answers. (There are some others)...

1. Fiction(al) books are written by Paulo Coelho.
2. Brazil was governed by Lula for/during 8 years.
3. Sushi has already been eaten by teacher Victoria and it was when it happened the Japanese Festival, last year.
4. The Passive Voice is being reviewed by the 3.302 student(s) group.
5. How many times a day is the Internet accessed by you?
6. Micarla de Souza was speaking on the radio when she was interrupted by a (top) listener.
7. Five children are cared by Cynthia, who works at a nursery place as a baby-sitter.
8. At UnP, Gastronomy is studied by Mayra, whose culinary blog is written by her everyday.
9. How long isn't good Music listened by you?
10. The door had already been opened by Maria when her puppy got into the house.

T. Mercy.

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Links de Livrarias Virtuais (confiáveis)

Hello, everyone.
In Portuguese...

Pessoal das turmas de primeiro ano do IFRN (2011), o Hyperlink será adotado e pode ser comprado na Livraria Câmara Cascudo. (84) 3092-2878 ou pela Internet (a maioria divide em 2 ou 3x no cartão de crédito), nos sites,,

Kisses & Hugs.
T. Mercy.

P.S.: Começaremos a usá-lo dia 15.03.2011.